
火斯探球 2024-02-19 07:17:32

北京时间2月18日,2024年全明星扣篮大赛展开角逐,最终,麦克朗在决赛中力压杰伦-布朗夺冠,成功卫冕扣篮王。成为了NBA历史上继乔丹、杰森-理查德森、内特-罗宾逊和拉文后第5位蝉联扣篮大赛冠军的球员。赛后,扣篮大赛的震撼程度以及布朗的“蒙眼扣篮”被多名球员和解说员diss,直言太拉,NBA扣篮大赛连续两年依靠一名发展联盟球员救场。美媒NBA on ESPN赛前晒出威尔金斯、卡特、乔丹和科比扣篮大赛扣篮P图,并发问:谁是NBA扣篮大赛上最强扣将?引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Where Jason Richardson Lavine Aaron Gordon? Etc


VC… but put respect in the most disrespected dunk contestant…. Aaron Gordon.


Wilkins. He didn't get the nickname the Human Highlight Film for nothing.

威尔金斯,他的绰号 "人类电影精华 "可不是白来的。

Curry would win easily


Kobe won what was basically a high school competition. The 1996 contest was so bad they cancelled it for years afterward.


I have to say Gordon and Lavine are the best ever dunkers. The creativity, the air time, the finess and power. I was blown away. They took it to the next level of artistry


Vince and Nique has the power. Kobe has the swag. But Jordan has that hang time and pure creativity. It helps that he has the biggest hands out of the 4 and can palm the ball pretty easily.

Outside of these 4, I would bring in Jason Richardson, Aaron Gordon, Zach Lavine, and Mac Mclung. This set would put the best show


Vince Carter and it’s no debate. However, I wouldn’t judge Kobe on his dunk contest when he was 18. I think a prime dunking Kobe would put up a better fight. But it really don’t matter because Vince Carter is taking this one with relative ease.


Vince changed the game. Gordon and Levine upgraded and Mcclung is doing it again.


Lol.. VC is the greatest dunker in the history of the NBA. Leave the GOAt debate for MJ, but the title best dunker belongs to VC..

哈哈..卡特是 NBA 历史上最伟大的扣将,GOAT之争留给乔丹吧,但最佳扣将称号属于卡特。

Carter for sure…but man what Aaron Gordon did is something totally different. He was robbed. Lavine had good ones but the creativity from Gordon was something special IMO


The fact that Zach Lavine or Jason Richardson aren't in this as opposed to Kobe shows it's biased.


and they call lebron the greatest dunker of all time yet, he doesnt belong on that picture


pay a very expensive ticket to see the dunk competition and have someone from the GLeague win it... bruh


Depends on what the criteria for judging... if its beauty and creativity I think it's still Gordon and Lavine, but if the criteria is all about power and elevation Vince Carter is the runaway winner...


Since Aaron Gordon and Zach Lavine aren’t in the picture I’m taking Vince Carter.


Vince easily. He was a mix of Dominiques power and Jordan athleticism. Plus his own bounce


MJ - biggest hands, highest vertical, hang time, would make him the most creative. He would use whatever at his disposal available at the time.


Just retire it! It will NEVER return to its prime. The 3 point contest was more entertaining and that’s crazy to say smh


Vince is sick but Jordan and Wilkins are the godfathers and invented most of the dunks people do. Don't forget Dr. J.

文斯-卡特很变态,但乔丹和威尔金斯才是教父,他们发明了人们所做的大多数扣篮动作。别忘了还有 J 博士。

Zach Lavine because how is it even possible to go between the legs from the free throw line?




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